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Prevue Assessment
The Prevue Assessment is a scientifically designed method of measuring work-related characteristics of people. It is an accurate, valid, and reliable psychometric assessment used for a wide variety of human resource requirements including assisting in the prediction of the job suitability of candidates for specific jobs, aiding the team building process and detailing specific information on employees’ training and coaching requirements.
Evaluate a candidate’s or employee’s preference to work alone or on a team, his or her coping skills, attention to detail and planning. Provide information on a candidate’s suitability for a particular job, in terms of his/her abilities, interests, motivations and personality traits. The candidate’s general abilities (verbal, numerical and spatial skills) are measured against those abilities necessary to do the job well. The reports also provide an objective view of a candidate’s interests/motivation and his/her preference for different types of work. Finally, Prevue Assessment Selection, Coaching and Succession Planning Reports comment on a candidate’s personality traits.
Prevue fits the Whole Person Approach criteria for employee assessment, recommended by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Prevue Assessment Reports
Your Prevue Assessment System will produce five types of reports for the following uses or applications:
Selection Report to assist with suggested job interview questions or hiring applications;
Coaching Report for training and coaching requirements;
Succession Planning Report to compare a candidate to the Benchmarks for various jobs;
Individual Report which can be made available to a permanent employee if desired;
Working Characteristics Report provides information on five topics presented as
business related behaviors.
Prevue Assessment is at the leading edge of accurately and predictably assessing the whole person when it comes to:
Asking: “Can and will he/she do the job?”
Tell how quickly people learn. In other words, how quickly can people “get it” and think on their feet.
Tells how challenged – or bored – an individual will be in a job. Individuals who might be overly challenged require longer training periods, more supervision and coaching and tend to make more mistakes or miss deadlines and details when workloads increase or the complexity of the job increases.
Whether a person has a desire to work with people, data and things
Gives an evaluation of key personality characteristics based on the Big Five Model that affect job performance.
How does this person want to be paid?
How important is work to this person?
Does this person make risky decisions?
How does this person deal with change?
What is this person’s perception of the world?
An employee evaluation is not complete without a way to tell if the candidate might have tried to fake their responses. The integrity of the Prevue Assessment Report is verified by four built-in self-validation methods. This makes the Prevue Assessment resistant to attempts to “fake it” or manipulate the results.
Prevue includes benchmarking software that helps build job-specific and company-specific job profiles. The Prevue Assessment compares a candidate’s abilities, interests and personality traits to the profile of people who have proved successful in a particular job. Then fit and develop people to the jobs in which they will be most proficient and effective.This worksheet is referred to as the Benchmark for the job. The Prevue Assessment System permits the user to customize the details of the Benchmark for any position.
FirstView™ Job Fit Indicator
FirstView is the perfect solution to screen large candidate groups for 15 entry level positions in retail sales, hospitality, persuasive sales, administrative positions, drivers, IT positions, telemarketing, customer service, drivers, health care and more. Each report includes job specific interview questions.
FirstView Job Fit Indicator is the first 6th Generation pre-employment personality test with an optional cognitive section. FirstView requires only 15 minutes to complete and reports are available immediately which present specific descriptions of job-related behaviors that are understandable to anyone.
What FirstView™ Assessment Measures:
The FirstView™ Assessment is designed to measure individual cognitive and interpersonal competencies in the areas which are most critical to job performance across a wide range of jobs:
Rules – consistency, ability to deal with change, need for structure, ability to follow rules and policies
Extroversion – need to work with others, communication of enthusiasm, ability to talk or listen
Assertiveness – decision making, selling and closing abilities, ability to handle confrontation, willingness to take direction from others
Teaming – teamwork, collaboration with others, competitiveness
Sensitivity – emotional stability, handling of criticism and feedback, dealing with stress
Organization – planning, spontaneity, time management attitudes, ability to handle details
Social Desirability – an internal validity scale to determine if the candidate is being frank with their answers
Cognitive Ability – an overall aggregate measure of cognitive skills
Used by permission of the publisher: HRD Press, Amherst, Massachusetts. Copyright © 2002, Psichometrics, LLC.
Counterproductive Behavior Index™
Counterproductive Behavior Index™ (CBI) is the most cost-effective screening test to identify these high risk work-related attitudes and behaviors:
Honesty screens for potential of dishonest behavior in the workplace.
Dependability screens for undependable, careless, lazy and disorganized behaviors.
Substance Abuse screens for acceptance of use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs at work.
Aggressive Tendencies screens for aggressive, hostile, disruptive behaviors and poor control of anger
Computer Abuse screens for computer use in ways that are unrelated to work activities or are disruptive to work (personal e-mailing, shopping, surfing porn).
Sexual Harassment screens the potential for harassment of the opposite sex.
Counterproductive Behavior Index™ takes no more than 15 minutes to complete and less than 60 seconds to score.